8 Creative Link Building Strategies for 2024

Here are 8 white hat link-building strategies for SEO that will work great in 2024:

  1. Select an Evergreen Keyword or Topic: Choose a topic that will remain relevant and fresh forever, such as "weight loss" in the fitness niche. This will ensure that your content stays relevant and continues to attract traffic and backlinks over time.
  2. Turn Your Evergreen Topic Into an Evergreen Content: Create high-quality, in-depth, and visually stunning content that provides value to your audience. This will increase the chances of your content being linked to by other websites and resources.
  3. Steal Your Competitors' Quality Backlinks: Analyze your competitors' backlinks and identify opportunities to build similar links to your own content. Use email outreach to reach out to people who have linked to your competitors' content and suggest your own content as a valuable addition.
  4. Link Roundup: Look for link roundup blogs in your niche that feature useful and amazing content. Pitch your own content to these blogs and suggest it for their next roundup.
  5. Resource Page Link Building: Find resource pages in your niche that list useful links and resources. Reach out to the webmasters and suggest your own content as a valuable addition to their resource page.
  6. Guest Blogging: Write guest posts for other websites and blogs in your niche. This will not only attract new audiences but also provide opportunities for backlinks to your own content.
  7. Broken Link Building: Find broken links on other websites and blogs in your niche. Reach out to the webmasters and suggest your own content as a replacement for the broken link.
  8. Scholarship Link Building: Create a scholarship program for students in your niche. This will attract links from educational institutions and other relevant websites, increasing your website's authority and credibility.

Remember, white hat link-building strategies require patience and effort, but they are effective in the long run and do not violate Google's guidelines. Focus on creating high-quality content and providing value to your audience to attract backlinks naturally.

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